SIGN UP HERE! Let's begin 2021 with Prayer & Fasting, January 10-30, 2021
2020 has been a challenging year, to say the least! As we look to begin a new year, we are hopeful for better things: church services that meet in person, Covid stopped, family times, and much more. However, I believe that God has allowed this time to recalibrate his church, and to call us back to the core mission of why the church exists: redemption and disciple-making.
We’ve prayed for years for a spiritual awakening in our city, and if that’s going to happen, we’ve got to increase our engagement in spiritual battle through prayer and fasting! So I’m inviting you to join others from the CenterPoint family and start your new year with an extended time of prayer and fasting.
Not only is there benefit to the ministry of CenterPoint through prayer and fasting, but this will also benefit each of us personally as we humble ourselves, draw close to the Lord, and ask him to renew our joy and to direct us throughout next year.
What: 21 Days of fasting and prayer; you can participate for the full 21 days, or for a portion of it as you feel the Lord is leading you.
Why: To seek God’s face and favor as we enter a new year, to ask for his renewal in our church and the expansion of his kingdom in Tacoma and Pierce County; To ask for greater engagement in the ministries of redemption and disciple-making.
When: January 10-30
Prayer: We will gather for prayer at CenterPoint on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30pm, and Sunday mornings at 9AM. Alternatively, pray individually throughout the week at home, or at work.
How: You choose the type of fasting; here are some examples:
- Daniel fast (no meats, sweets, breads)
- Pt. 1: 7 days of vegetables, Pt. 2: 7 days of vegetable & fruit juices, Pt. 3: 7 days of vegetables
- Media fast: no social media, movies, tv, etc.
- Fast 1 meal each day (e.g. no lunch) and use that time for prayer
“I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world.”
—Dr. Bill Bright
DISCLAIMER: Fasting can cause health risks, especially for those with underlying health conditions; please consult with a doctor, especially if you are going to undertake very restrictive fasts such as liquids only.
Let us know of your participation in our fast! ENTER RESPONSE HERE
Click Here for an excellent source of information on fasting from CRU